
Learn how to swap assets in Euler


Swapping assets in Euler enables uses to exchange one deposited asset for another using external exchanges that have been integrated into the platform (1inch or Uniswap).


  1. Ensure you have sufficient supply tokens in the sub-account you want to swap from.

  2. Select the Euler sub-account that you want to swap from.

  3. Select the Euler sub-account that you want to swap to.

  4. Select the asset you wish to sell.

  5. Select the asset you wish to buy.

  6. Enter the amount you wish to sell.

    • Select Safe Max to sell the amount such that your Euler sub-account will result in having a health score of 1.25.

    • Select Liquidation to sell the amount such that your Euler sub-account will end up at health score 1 (right on the edge of a liquidation).

    • Select Max to sell all the selected asset.

    • Users can set the slippage to the desired value by clicking the gear icon in the top-right corner.

  7. Wait for a quote and click the Swap button.


Can I swap assets from my wallet? ****Currently, users can only swap assets they've deposited.

Last updated